Henry Zhang (张恒睿)


Evanston, IL, USA


Greetings! I am a PhD candidate and Ryan Fellow at Northwestern working with Profs. Wei Chen and James Rondinelli. I have a broad interest in AI for science, with a focus on materials design.

Before starting graduate school, I earned my BS in Materials Science and Computer Science from Shanghai Jiao Tong University. As an undergraduate researcher, I worked in MaGIC at SJTU, where I developed informatics tools for high-throughput experiments. I was a summer research intern at Oxford (2018), Northwestern (2019), and MERL (2023).


Northwestern University
PhD, Mechanical Engineering, 2020–2025
Research Intern, 2019

Shanghai Jiao Tong University
BS, Materials Science & Engineering, 2016–2020
BS, Computer Science, 2017–2020

University of Oxford
Visiting Scholar, Department of Materials, 2018


Jun 12, 2024 Our work is highlighted by Northwestern Engineering News.
Nov 08, 2023 Passed my thesis proposal exam!
Sep 15, 2023 Glad to have our proposal funded by NSF DMREF.
Sep 08, 2023 Wrapped up an enjoyable 3-month internship at MERL.

Selected publications

  1. MolSets.webp
    Learning molecular mixture property using chemistry-aware graph neural network
    Hengrui Zhang, Tianxing Lai, Jie Chen, Arumugam Manthiram, James M. Rondinelli, and Wei Chen
    PRX Energy, 2024
  2. MOF-ML.webp
    Automated crystal system identification from electron diffraction patterns using multiview opinion fusion machine learning
    Jie Chen, Hengrui Zhang, Carolin B. Wahl, Wei Liu, Chad A. Mirkin, Vinayak P. Dravid, Daniel W. Apley, and Wei Chen
    Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2023
  3. ETAL-Frame.webp
    ET-AL: Entropy-targeted active learning for bias mitigation in materials data
    Hengrui Zhang, Wei Chen, James M. Rondinelli, and Wei Chen
    Applied Physics Reviews, 2023